44 2033180199

A descriptive overview of renal cell carcinoma and kidney transplantation

Noah Evans

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) is more likely to develop in Kidney Transplant Recipients (KTRs) (RCC). The malignancy might appear at any point during the transplant process. RCC discovered during a transplant candidate's work-up requires therapy, and to reduce the chance of recurrence, a necessary monitoring period prior to transplantation is usually recommended. Candidates with small RCCs (less than 3 cm) who were discovered and removed by chance may skip the surveillance period. RCC in the donor organ, on the other hand, may not always limit use if the tumour is modest (between 2 cm and 4 cm) and resected with good margins prior to transplantation. 90% of RCCs are found in the native kidneys after transplantation, especially if acquired cystic kidney disease has occurred after continuous dialysis. After transplantation, no screening for RCC has been done discovered to be cost-effective RCC treatment in KTRs is difficult due to immunosuppression and oncologic medication modifications. Excision or nephrectomy is generally curative for confined RCC. Recent landmark trials in the non-transplanted population show that immunotherapy combinations improve survival in metastatic RCC patients. There are no dedicated trials in KTRs. A case series of immune checkpoint inhibitors in solid organ recipients with a variety of cancer types showed that one-third of the patients have a partial or complete tumour response, with rejection developing in 40% of the patients.

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