44 2033180199

Boys with Gender Identity Disorder: A Follow-Up Study

Suzzane James

This study presents follow-up information on gender identity and sexual orientation for the largest group of boys clinic-referred for gender dysphoria (n=139). The boys were first evaluated when they were children, when they were a mean age of 7.49 years (range, 3.33–12.99), in a mean year of 1989, and then they were reassessed when they were a mean age of 20.58 years (range, 13.07–39.15), in a mean year of 2002. In terms of gender identity disorder in childhood, 88 (63.3%) of the males satisfied the DSM-III, III-R, or IV criteria, while the remainder, 51 (36.7%), fell below the threshold. At the follow-up, participants' gender identity/dysphoria was evaluated using a variety of techniques, and they were divided into persisters and desisters. Both fantasy and behaviour were assessed for sexual orientation, which was then classified as either biphilic/androphilic or gynephilic. Of the 139 participants, 17 (12.2%) fell into the persisters category, whereas 122 (87.8%) fell into the desisters category. For 129 participants, information on sexual orientation in fantasies was provided; 82 (63.6%) were classified as biphilic/androphilic, 43 (33.3%) as gynephilic, and 4 (3.1%) reported no sexual fantasies. Data on 108 participants' sexual orientation and behavioural data were available. Of these, 51 (47.2%) were classified as biphilic/androphilic, 29 (26.9%) as gynephilic, and 28 (25.9%) as having no sexual behaviour. With the biphilic/androphilic desisters serving as the reference group, multinomial logistic regression looked at predictors of outcome for the biphilic/androphilic persisters and the gynephilic desisters. The biphilic/androphilic persisters had more gender-variant scores on a dimensional composite of sex-typed behaviour in childhood than the reference group did, and they tended to be older at the time of evaluation in childhood. In comparison to gynephilic desisters, biphilic/androphilic desisters were more gender-variant. Boys who had been referred to a clinic as children for help with gender identity issues showed significant rates of desistance and biphilic/androphilic sexual orientation. The data's implications for the way that children with gender dysphoria are currently treated are examined.

Publication d'évaluation par les pairs pour les associations, les sociétés et les universités pulsus-health-tech