44 2033180199

Unilateral persistent sciatic artery

Rekha Kar, Candice M Devorah, Cesar I Barron, Kaitlyn R Bejar, Linda Y Johnson, Omid B Rahimi, Annette Occhialini

Persistent Sciatic Artery (PSA) is a rare congenital vascular anomaly of clinical significance. Sciatic artery persists as a continuation of the internal iliac artery and functions as the major blood supply for the lower limb in rare cases such as the one presented here. Reported here is a unilateral presentation of a persistent sciatic artery (PSA) which continued into the popliteal fossa and divided into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries and gave off genicular branches. The femoral artery (superficial femoral artery) was hypoplastic, and did not reach the popliteal fossa. In addition to the presence of the PSA, bilateral variations in the course of femoral and the profunda femoris veins are reported.

Publication d'évaluation par les pairs pour les associations, les sociétés et les universités pulsus-health-tech