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The response of As per gillus trichodermus sp. nov, a novel basidiome from the protistan-myxo-metal redoxifying clade: A phylogenomics approach towards next generation sanger sequencing

Linnaea L. Borealis, Kurt Cobain, Tarja Turunen

This research paper presents the first systematic description of an ascomycete, herewith referred to as the novel, Aspergillus trichodermus species nova, Eurotiaceae, Hypocreales, Ustilagomycotina. The species is phenotypically conspecific to any known Aspergillus and is found to be the anamorph of Trichoderma, thus the species epithet, trichodermus. The novel species was able to reduce and oxidize various heavy metals (e.g. chromium, nickel, molybdenum, lead, mercury, rhudibium, palladium, iron, helium, mercury, manganese, magnesium, carbon, lithium), salts (carbonate, sulfate, oxalate, mannates), organic compounds (ethylene diaminetetraceatic acid, sulfur metalloporphyrins, toluene-complexed carbazide), and other recalcitrant compounds and persistent micro- fusible antibiotics (penicillin, amoxicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicine, and other amine medicines). The phylogeny was reconstituted among the protistan-myxo-metal redoxying clade as a new and novel clade of ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and their close allies, i.e. myxomycota, oomycota and the large complex of obligately plant pathogenic labyrinthulomycota. Obtained data were generated using the next generation Sanger sequencing of meta barcodes and eDNA using Perl pipe lines, R script-based next generation phylogenetics and sequence capture based hybridization of RNA-DNA complex. This paper will establish a revolutionary approach on phylogeny and will propose changes on the systematics of eukaryotes, and prokaryotes.  


The dark aspergilli are a significant gathering of species in food mycology, clinical mycology and biotechnology. Numerous species cause food deterioration, yet then again are additionally utilized in the maturation business to create hydrolytic compounds, like amylases or lipases, and natural acids, like citrus extract and gluconic corrosive. They are additionally contender for hereditary control in the biotechnology businesses since A. niger utilized under certain modern conditions has been conceded the GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status by the Food and Drug Administration of the US government. Albeit the fundamental wellspring of dark aspergilli is soil, individuals from this segment have been secluded from different sources. Dark aspergilli are one of the more troublesome gatherings concerning order and ID, and a few ordered plans have been proposed. New sub-atomic methodologies have shown that there is a high biodiversity, yet that species are sometimes hard to perceive dependent on their phenotypic characters.  

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